Continued Betrayal Yet Its Your Fault Qoutes

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Betrayal Quotes

Quotes tagged as "betrayal" Showing 181-210 of 1,138
Shannon L. Alder
"Words don't have the power to hurt you, unless that person meant more to you than you are willing to confess."
Shannon L. Alder

Haruki Murakami
"Can'ttrustpeople. Won'tdoanygood. They'llkillyoueverytime. They'llkilleachother. They'llkilleveryone."
Haruki Murakami, Dance Dance Dance

"What is it that makes you cry? It is only your attachments. What is it that you miss when it is lost? It is the object of your attachment. Ponder over this. Find out what it is that grips your very life, without which you feel miserable and destitute; that is the center of your attachment.

Here is what you should do: make an effort to find out what things it would hurt you to lose. Then, before they are lost, open your hands little by little, relax your grip on them. This is the method for conquering attachment. There is bound to be pain, but you must bear it; this is your penance. It is not necessary to renounce anything. It is not that you should leave your wife and run away to the Himalayas. Remain there, where you are, but gradually stop depending on her. There is no need to cause any pain; your wife need not even know it. There is no need to tell her.

Seek out the attachments. Try gradually to live without the things that you now think you cannot live without. Create such a state within yourself that if and when these things are lost, there is not the slightest tremor within you. Then you will have attained victory over these attachments. This can be possible. It has been possible. And if it has happened to even one, it can happen to all."
Osho, Bliss: Living beyond happiness and misery

Jean Genet
"To write is your last resort when you've betrayed someone."
Jean Genet

Oliver Neubert
"I love to walk through snow, to climb mountains, to smell the fresh air and I love to dream about flying. Soaring through the air, watching the earth from above, feeling the wind in my face and touching the clouds would be an amazing experience."
Oliver Neubert, The Flyers

Joseph Delaney
"I see a girl, soon to be a woman," Tibb continues. "The girl who will share your life. She will love you, she will betray you, and finally she will die for you. And it will all have been for nothing. All for nothing in the end."
Joseph Delaney, Attack of the Fiend

Donna Goddard
"There is a part of us that knows the timing of any relationship. It knows things that we cannot work out. It knows when to say yes. It knows when to say no. It knows when to wait. It knows when something has finished. It knows when something has started. It knows when we have a responsibility to another person. It knows when the ties are untied. It will not betray us or another."
Donna Goddard

V.S. Carnes
"And what was to become of what he had taken from her? He had dashed her heart to the ground and danced on it with combat boots. Did he sit in that seditious palace day after day and not even bother to scrape it off of his soles with a passing thought of her?"
V.S. Carnes

Isabel Allende
"Until a few months ago we had a code of honor, and even the worst ruffians behaved with decency. You could leave your gold in a tent with no guard and no one would touch it, but now all that has changed. The law of the jungle rules, the only ideology is greed. Don't let yourself be parted from your weapons, and always travel in pairs or groups, because this is a land of thieves."
Isabel Allende, Daughter of Fortune

Cornelia Funke
"That bloody bastard! That thrice accursed son of a bitch!"
Cornelia Funke, Inkspell

Innocent Mwatsikesimbe
"In the way that you need to clear the way to make a road, those who betray and abandon you expose things you need to remove from your life. They reveal the mistakes you made in trusting them and how you can avoid them in the future, and move on."
Innocent Mwatsikesimbe, The Vision

Christopher Hitchens
"Pettiness often leads both to error and to the digging of a trap for oneself. Wondering (which I am sure he didn't) 'if by the 1990s [Hitchens] was morphing into someone I didn't quite recognize", Blumenthal recalls with horror the night that I 'gave' a farewell party for Martin Walker of the Guardian, and then didn't attend it because I wanted to be on television instead. This is easy: Martin had asked to use the fine lobby of my building for a farewell bash, and I'd set it up. People have quite often asked me to do that. My wife did the honors after Nightline told me that I'd have to come to New York if I wanted to abuse Mother Teresa and Princess Diana on the same show. Of all the people I know, Martin Walker and Sidney Blumenthal would have been the top two in recognizing that journalism and argument come first, and that there can be no hard feelings about it. How do I know this? Well, I have known Martin since Oxford. (He produced a book on Clinton, published in America as 'The President We Deserve'. He reprinted it in London, under the title, 'The President They Deserve'. I doffed my hat to that.) While Sidney—I can barely believe I am telling you this—once also solicited an invitation to hold his book party at my home. A few days later he called me back, to tell me that Martin Peretz, owner of the New Republic, had insisted on giving the party instead. I said, fine, no bones broken; no caterers ordered as yet. 'I don't think you quite get it,' he went on, after an honorable pause. 'That means you can't come to the party at all.' I knew that about my old foe Peretz: I didn't then know I knew it about Blumenthal. I also thought that it was just within the limit of the rules. I ask you to believe that I had buried this memory until this book came out, but also to believe that I won't be slandered and won't refrain—if motives or conduct are in question—from speculating about them in my turn."
Christopher Hitchens

Siobhan Fallon
"Be safe, she whispered. Then she closed her eyes and said in a low, broken monotone, "I love you.


Siobhan Fallon"
Siobhan Fallon

"He was mocking me. I could see his mouth beginning to lift in a maddening smirk, a smile that was half sardonic and half secretive, as if the fate of the world depended on the answer to a riddle only he knew and would never share."
Melika Dannese Lux, Corcitura

Niccolò Machiavelli
"Verträge bricht man um des Nutzens willen."
Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince

"Takamasa Saegusa: 'Seigen, a mere member of the Toudouza, had the effrontery to sully the sacred dueling ground. For that reason, our lord had already decided to subject him to tu-uchi before long. Cut off his head immediately, and stick it on a pike!'

Gennosuke could hardly believe his ears. Such an insult to Irako Seigen was unwarranted. It was pride. For Gennosuke, Irako Seigen was pride itself.

Takamasa Saegusa: 'Fujiki Gennosuke! It is the way of the samurai to take the head of the defeated enemy on the battleground. Do not hesitate! If you are a samurai, you must carry out the duty of a samurai!'


Saegusa, Lord of Izu, continued shouting, but Gennosuke did not attend. That word 'samurai' alone reverberated through his body.

If one aims at the juncture between the base of the skull and the spine, decapitation is not that difficult, but Gennosuke could muster no more strength than a baby. He grew pale and trembled with the strain. He could only hack with his sword as if he were sawing wood. He felt nauseated, as if his own cells one after another were being annihilated. But this...

Lord Tokugawa Tadanaga: 'I approve.'

Takamasa Saegusa: 'Fujiki Gennosuke, for this splendid action you have received words of thanks from our lord. As a sign of his exceptional approval, you shall be given employment at Sunpu Castle. This great debt will by no means be forgotten. From this day forward you must offer your life to our lord!'

Prostrating himself, Gennosuke vomited."
Takayuki Yamaguchi, シグルイ 15

Jess Michaels
"Tears welled in Penelope's eyes, making the blue even darker. Then she reeled back and slapped him hard enough that his cheek stung.
"That is for what you did to me. Not in the dark, Jeremy. Not as the faceless lover. Not even for today when you made love to me... or perhaps we should call it 'fucking', since there was nothing loving about it, only manipulation". Her voice shook as hard as her hands as she turned on her heel and headed for the door. "It's for betraying my friendship"."
Jess Michaels, Something Reckless

S.L. Vaden
"When your trust has been betrayed, the only thing to do is live, learn and let go. Otherwise the betrayal done by another will turn into hate for them. But they will not feel this hate, it will only hurt you more, growing bigger and darker. So, live, learn and let go. By living, it means they did not hurt you so deep that you can not move forward. Learn, learn to not trust this person again, and to make more of a sound judgement in the future. Letting go doesn't mean forgetting. It means that you have let go of the pain it caused. And by not forgetting, you will learn and move forward from the betrayal of the past."
S.L. Vaden

William Shakespeare
"Cressida: My lord, will you be true?
Troilus: Who, I? Alas, it is my vice, my fault:
Whiles others fish with craft for great opinion,
I with great truth catch mere simplicity;
Whilst some with cunning gild their copper crowns,
With truth and plainness I do wear mine bare.
Fear not my truth: the moral of my wit
Is "plain and true"; there's all the reach of it."
William Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida

"I have striven never to betray myself"
Jude Morgan, Indiscretion

Carla H. Krueger
"I can love what is broken."
Carla H. Krueger, Sex Media

"While stabbing someones back, you recklessly expose your own."
Matshona Dhliwayo

Carla H. Krueger
"She is intent on pleasing the men that frighten her."
Carla H. Krueger, Sex Media

William Shakespeare
"O serpent heart, hid with a flowering face!
Did ever dragon keep so fair a cave?
Beautiful tyrant! fiend angelical!
Dove-feather'd raven! wolvish-ravening lamb!
Despised substance of divinest show!
Just opposite to what thou justly seem'st,
A damned saint, an honourable villain!
O nature, what hadst thou to do in hell;
When thou didst bower the spirit of a fiend
In mortal paradise of such sweet flesh?
Was ever book containing such vile matter
So fairly bound? O that deceit should dwell
In such a gorgeous palace!"
William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

Samaresh Majumdar
"অনিমেষ, অবিশ্বাস করে ঠকার চেয়ে বিশ্বাস করে হারানো অনেক ভালো।"
Samaresh Majumdar, উত্তরাধিকার

V.S. Carnes
"…deceitful!" she decided with a little bounce of fury that briefly ballooned the silk of her trousers. "There! You deceitful …"
"…misleading, dishonest, insincere…"
"Those are all the same words, Gill—"
"Ooh! Liar!"
She'd managed to get her hands on a small pillow. He ducked just as it whizzed past him. In justice, however, it did strike the mosaic vase behind him on an engraved mahogany pedestal, and it tipped and spun on its base before landing in a shattered heap on the bare floor.
"Now, look what you've done!" she accused tearfully and bolted from the room."
V.S. Carnes

Neal Shusterman
"The two of them playact with each other, pretending to be cordial, but only so it will make the final betrayal even sweeter."
Neal Shusterman, Challenger Deep

Bernhard Schlink
"Dann habe ich begonnen, sie zu verraten.
Nicht daß ich Geheimnisse preisgegeben oder Hanna bloßgestellt hätte. Ich habe nichts offenbart, was ich hätte verschweigen müssen. Ich habe verschwiegen, was ich hätte offenbaren müssen. Ich habe mich nicht zu ihr bekannt. Ich weiß, das Verleugnen ist eine unscheinbare Variante des Verrats. Von außen ist nicht zu sehen, ob einer verleugnet oder nur Diskretion übt, Rücksicht nimmt, Peinlichkeiten und Ärgerlichkeiten meidet. Aber der, der sich nicht bekennt, weiß es genau. Und der Beziehung entzieht das Verleugnen ebenso den Boden wie die spektakulären Varianten des Verrats."
Bernhard Schlink, The Reader

J.R.R. Tolkien
'Vile words to use,
thou Valkyrie,
thou slayer of men,
and sword-hearted!"

'If sword I had,
I would slay thee now,
for thy secret treason,
for thy sundered oaths!"
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Legend of Sigurd & Gudrún

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